Welcome to the My Private Network Podcast!
Interested in learning about private market investing concepts and opportunities available to you?
This week's episode features our co-founder and host, Bob Simpson, who gives you, the investor, a chance to hear from industry experts about why you should consider investing in farmland.
Today's Expert Guest
Kent Willmore
President & CEO
AGinvest Properties Canada Inc.
Today's Questions of Interest
2:38 Kent's background, growing up on a farm and getting into this investment space.
5:15 Are baby boom farmers looking to exit their business with kids resisting the legacy?
7:10 Is farmland owned 50/50 by elderly farmers and corporations?
8:51 Describe the work that you do to make investments available to people like our listeners.
10:39 Is it a good idea to invest in farmland, especially down in Southwestern Ontario?
12:32 Can you explain the one group you've rented to using technology to ship soybeans worldwide?
13:29 Why should investors consider the farmland asset class in their portfolio?
16:32 When you buy a farm, are you trying to improve the land and the investment overall?
18:22 Who are you leasing farmland to and what is the process?
19:56 What do you do to protect that important 12 inches of soil on farmland?
21:13 How has farmland reacted with some of the recent economic pressures in the marketplaces?
23:20 Can you touch on how farmland considers ESG as part of the investing process?
25:13 Why should somebody choose your firm over some of your competitors?
27:05 What do you see happening with farmland in the longer term, say 25, 50, 100 years?
30:19 Will there be farm tours available for interested investors